Outstanding Educator

Scioto Valley Schools-Jasper Elementary - Stacey Riber, Intervention Specialist

In the past school year, I have seen Stacey Riber go above and beyond for her students. Stacey is that special kind of teacher that will do anything to teach and reach her students. Not only is she highly trained in her area of special education, (holding aPK-3 moderate to intensive license and a K-12 mild to moderate license) but she also has earned two principal’s licensures and two master’s degrees. Ms. Riber also has experience as a classroom aide for eight years and 15 years as an intervention specialist in a multiple disabilities unit. Many people may not be aware of the amount of mental fortitude it takes to be in this particular type of teaching position year in and year out, but Stacey does it not only willingly, but went to school specifically to work with the neediest students of all. Her heart and passion for her students is unparalleled.

The confidentiality of our students prevents me from discussing the particular ways she has impacted the lives of her students in a way that cannot be properly measured. Students who did not communicate can now communicate; students who did not trust anyone have learned to trust. Students who did not have basic needs met now have what they need to thrive. Students who did not have a way to access classroom curriculum are now growing by leaps and bounds. Ms. Riber is also a leader among the staff. She is concerned about ALL students, not just her own. She works daily to ensure that the students in the building have the same opportunities as the students in her own classroom. Ms. Riber is a team player. She overlooks problems and says, “how can we make this work or make it better?” She has been an advocate for many students through the years. If there was a way to track where her students are now, I have no doubt that their success today is a direct result of the lengths she was and is willing to go for ANY student. I am more than honored to nominate Stacey Riber for being an outstanding special educator. I am also blessed to work with such a lady.